Giving to the Cumberland County Historical Society
As an I.R.S. approved charitable 501 (c) (3) organization, the Cumberland County Historical Society is legally entitled to seek tax deductible contributions from individuals, corporations and foundations.
Charitable Giving versus Earned Revenue
Some non-profit cultural organizations can financially exist on earned revenues (admissions and gift shop receipts) alone; however, the Cumberland County Historical Society, like many non-profit organizations, must raise essential operating funds from charitable sources. The earned revenue of the C.C.H.S. accounts for only 20 percent of our total operating income.
Ways to Give to the Cumberland County Historical Society
There are many ways to help insure the Society’s financial viability, as outlined below:
Membership is the most basic way to support the Cumberland County Historical Society. The benefits of membership are described in a separate web page. Please visit “Membership.”
Estate Planning
The Cumberland County Historical Society encourages Estate Planning contributions. Simple bequests, gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts are but a few of the vehicles available. Estate planning gifts can be unrestricted (the Society is granted permission by the donor to use the gift as determined by the Board of Trustees) or restricted (the donor limits the use of the gift to a specific project or where only interest rather than principal is available to the Society).
The Endowment is a restricted fund from which the Society uses only the interest and dividends while allowing the investment principal to appreciate over time. The Cumberland County Historical Society’s Endowment has grown over the years and currently provides about 55 percent of the operating revenue of our organization.
Management of the Endowment
The Board of Trustees employees a qualified investment firm and professional money managers to insure a solid, conservative return with absolute minimal risk of principal.
Tax Deductibility of Contributions
Contributions to the Cumberland County Historical Society Annual Fund and its Endowment, as well as gifts made through Estate Planning, are all tax deductible to the maximum extent presently allowed by law. We encourage you to consult with your tax advisor regarding the specifics of tax deductibility.
Matching Gifts
The Cumberland County Historical Society welcomes gifts from a contributor’s employer or other organizations.
Dedicated on September 28, 2014, the Pathway to History Brick Memorial Walkway is located at the vestibule side entrance to the c. 1730 Gibbon House.
Memorial bricks are available for purchase for a limited time at a price of $125 per 4″x8″ brick. There is a limit of 36 laser-engraved characters total and no more than 12 characters per line. Each blank space counts as a character. Bricks can memorialize someone living or deceased. The purchase of a memorial brick, in the Pathway to History, is an excellent way to support the Cumberland County Historical Society while simultaneously recognizing someone who has made a difference in the donor’s life. All funds generated from the purchase of memorial bricks are being deposited into the Historical Society’s professionally managed permanent endowment.
If you have any questions, please call 856-455-8580 or email
More Information
If you would like more information regarding the Annual Fund, Estate Planning contributions, or the Endowment of the Cumberland County Historical Society, please call 856-455-8580.
Donate to the Cumberland County Historical Society